So, a lot has happened here on the island of Guam in the last month! For starters, Daniel came home and we are SOOOOO excited to have him back!!! Since he has been back we have been keeping ourselves busy with one adventure after another! We were lucky to have a few weeks to ourselves before he had to return to work and I had to start work again... no more summer vacation! Below are some great shots from some fun we have had around the island. There are a TON more so keep checking back for updates!!! Enjoy...

Some beautiful flowers we saw while we were on a WWII tour of the Island!

A Bamboo Forest at the Japanese Peace Monument.

A view from Two Lovers Point looking out on Tumon Bay.

Again, another view from Two Lovers Point. The story goes... that back in the day when Spain ruled Guam, a young girl and her lover tied their hair together and leapt off the cliff to their death. The two lovers had no other choice for the girls father had prearranged her marriage to Spanish man who she was not in love with.

Some guns that the Japanese placed in the hills and mountain sides to counter attack the US Forces. The Japanese attacked Guam shortly after December 7th, 1941 and ruled Guam until the US liberated Guam in 1944! During the Japanese ruling, the Chamorro people (the people of Guam) were captured and held in concentration camps and used as laborers.

Some AWESOME caves that can be found in several places around the island. Some of the caves are natural, while others were man made.

Cannons looking out on the bay.

Some beautiful flowers we saw while we were on a WWII tour of the Island!

A Bamboo Forest at the Japanese Peace Monument.

A view from Two Lovers Point looking out on Tumon Bay.

Again, another view from Two Lovers Point. The story goes... that back in the day when Spain ruled Guam, a young girl and her lover tied their hair together and leapt off the cliff to their death. The two lovers had no other choice for the girls father had prearranged her marriage to Spanish man who she was not in love with.

Some guns that the Japanese placed in the hills and mountain sides to counter attack the US Forces. The Japanese attacked Guam shortly after December 7th, 1941 and ruled Guam until the US liberated Guam in 1944! During the Japanese ruling, the Chamorro people (the people of Guam) were captured and held in concentration camps and used as laborers.

Some AWESOME caves that can be found in several places around the island. Some of the caves are natural, while others were man made.

Cannons looking out on the bay.