Saturday, September 23, 2006


So, in my rush to make improvement to the house I totally disregarded all the rules my mom taught be about handling knifes and I now have the scar to prove it! I was working on removing trim from an old dresser and was using a knife to cut the trim off... smart- I know! As I was prying the trim up with a screw driver in one hand, I was cutting the trim with a knife in the other hand. Obviously- I was not cutting away from my body and with my unexpected strength, I cut the trim and the knife came flying toward my forehead! It is nothing serious, but it sure gave me a scare... as well as our neighbor Brandon (I ran over to his house after the fact- I needed a second opinion on whether I needed stitches!). Luckily for me, Brandon doctored me up and two butterfly stitches later I was as good as new. The moral of the story- never cut toward you... ALWAYS away!!! I am so smart... the Garfield bandaide really says a lot- unfortunately, it was all Brandon had to work with at first!!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Newest Addition!!!

Dan and I have recently added a new member to the household- please meet Kianna... she is (we think) a Dalmatian/Lab mix and is somewhere around 4 years old! We got Kianna from our good friend Jesse (you can find a picture of him under the Red Dress entry!!!). She is VERY loving and enjoys giving out kisses... especially when you least expect them! She is deathly afraid of thunderstorms and beeping clocks- but loves to run around on the beach (but not a fan of grass)! Here are a few pictures- I am sure there will be more to come!
Aww, here is just one of her pitiful looks...
She is so adorable!!
She is slightly camera shy... we'll break her of that!!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Yigo Party!!!!

This weekend we had a party at Heidi and Ed's house (new friends) in Yigo!!! Yigo (the "y" is pronounced like a "j"), is the village (the differnt parts of the island are called villages, not towns or cities) we all live in. It is located at the Northern end of the Island- right before the Air Force base. The party was to celebrate all the September birthdays, because there were quite a few... Heidi, Dan, Ed, and Rebecca!! Like always, a good time was had by all and new friends were made in the process!

Dan and me at the Birthday Party!!!

The beautiful ladies- from left to right; Heidi, Ginger, Rebecca, and me!!!

There was some serious karaoke going on- I was horrible, but Dan was really good!!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Dan's Birthday!!!!

Today we celebrated Dan's 23rd Birthday! I kidnapped him after work and surprised him with a BBQ at a park along the coast. We made it to the park just in time to watch the sunset!! Once the sun fell below the horizon, we grilled up some hotdogs and chowed down on some baked beans!

The birthday boy and me, just before the sunset!

Looking out on the Pacific!!!

Some pretty cool clouds- just as the sunset!

Red sky at night- sailor's delight... that is what my dad says at least!

My make shift cake- it works! Dan still got to blow out candles and make a Birthday wish!

Labor Day Hike!!!

For Labor Day, Dan and I went hiking to one of the highest points on the island and then down to a beautiful waterfall in the middle of the Jungle!! Below are some great pictures we were able to capture.
This view is looking down on the southeastern side of the island, toward Asan Beach. The picture was taken from an outlook that was used by the Japanese during the "War in the Pacific- WWII" (1941-1945). In 1941, Japan invaded Guam and took over the island so the Japanese could monitor the Pacific more closely. Finally, in 1944 the U.S. Armed Forces was determined to retake the island. The Japanese occupied the hilltops as American forces slowly started taking over the coastline. Eventually, the Americans took over full control, defeating the Japanese and conquering the island. Nearly 55,000 Marines invaded Guam to force the turn over; unfortunately, close to 2,200 lost their lives in doing so.
Dan and me at one of the highest points on island. We hiked from there down into the Jungle!
Dan at the top of the waterfall!!!
A view of the waterfall from the jungle- just enough clearing to catch a glimpse. From the top, was had to descend along the side of the waterfall to reach the basin.
FINALLY! We reached the bottom!!!
By the way, the socks and gloves are not a new fashion trend- the island is covered by sawgrass, making hiking slightly uncomfortable without the appropriate gear... socks and gloves do the trick!

Labor Day Hike!!! (cont.)

Once we reached the waterfall, we decide to go for a swim!!! The cool water was very inviting and quite refreshing!!
Dan under the falls...

Trying to capture a picture together... not very successful!
The water kind of stung and was pretty cold- a little shocking!

We were fortunate enough to hike back to the car before an afternoon storm rolled in. We watched the clouds creep across the island... we got a great lightening and thunder show!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Red Dress Run!!!

Today was the Agana Hash House Harrier's (AH3) annual "Red Dress Run", in which all 100-something runners wore red dresses (duh) and ran a four to six mile course throughout Tumon, Tamuning, and Hagatna. Much fun and debauchery was had by all, and these photos will surely convince you of that.

I am proud to say, these are some of my new friends and they are WONDERFUL people! Since I have been on island, I have run with the Agana Hash every weekend and every weekend I leave the "on home" (the end spot of the run- where there is a bbq with beer and food) with having met another great person living in Guam!! I think the AH3 has a website, I haven't checked it out yet- but let me know if you find anything good!

Above: Pre "Red Dress Run..." scary to think I am the only real girl in the picture! (From left to right: Mark, Me, Jesse, and Dan)

Above: Jesse and me... isn't he HOT!

Above: The guys!! Cute... I know!!!

Above: Dan and me... but, who is who???

Goodbye Camp Buehring

This is just another ending to one of my adventures, but a beginning down a new road that is leading me to yet another far away land that I can't wait to explore. Kuwait was an experience I will cherish forever- it was a time of learning, working, and growing. In my 6 months I encountered times of joy and times of sorrow- but the people I met have touched my heart forever and I love you all very much!!!

Before I headed east to Guam, the gang got together once last time for a final farewell!
Above: A little stressed at the office b/c of all the packing!

Above: My lovely ladies at dinner! I will miss you guys!!!

Above: The Gang at a GREAT restaurant in Kuwait City!!